The benefits of Tai Chi highlighted on T.V; An article by Mr Russell Suthern, Chief Instructor WCMA

We all know the reported benefits of Tai Chi.
Relaxation, stress control, improved posture & flexibility to name but a few.

However, people often ask me about the fitness benefits.
Can Tai Chi improve stamina & strength in the same way other, more high intensity exercises do?

I have always believed the answer to be yes.

The deep breathing improves lung capacity. The deep postures increase strength.
Most importantly, the increased flow of internal energy heats the body up, burning calories & having a slimming & toning effect.

Recently, my beliefs have been confirmed by a scientific study, which was featured on the television program “Trust me, I’m a Doctor.”

The episode in question was on Wednesday 10th October on BBC 2.

Dr Michael Mosley visited Birmingham University, where they conducted a very interesting experiment.

Over a 12 week period, two test groups were monitored. One group practised Tai Chi, the other group performed high intensity Zumba.

The scientists were amazed at the results:
Both exercise regimes produced the same results!

The participants heart rate & blood pressure improved equally, as did the manufacture of anti oxidants.

In fact, every marker used to test the beneficial fitness effects on the practitioner came out equal.

The scientists were surprised, but I wasn’t.
It just confirmed what I have always said, which is that Tai Chi is one of the most beneficial, all round exercises one can do- & it can be done for the rest of your life!

This is just the latest in a whole series of tests that have been carried out on Tai Chi over the years, all of them showing the positive effects of the discipline.

This is great, but I still prefer to focus on the empirical results of direct experience.

In China & all over the far East, people get up early, go down the park & do some Tai Chi before going on to start their day- & a billion people can’t be wrong!

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