Archery Master Class- An Article by the Chief Instructor Mr Russell Suthern

Those who follow my regular archery articles will know that I find regular target archery a bit boring.

Like many martial activities, it has been so watered down & “sportified” that it has lost much of it’s original martial content.

I love coming up with diverse & interesting targets, trying to stay true to the original nature of archery as a martial activity.

Recently I constructed a life size 3D figure to use as a target, to make the feeling of shooting at a real enemy as realistic as possible.

My students nicknamed our target “gripper” & everyone was extremely excited at the prospect of testing out their skills on him!

I think the photos speak for themselves- the thrill of shooting at a human-like target far exceeds shooting at a boring circle. Students started by aiming at the main body, then the smaller target of the head, then tried disarming him by shooting at his weapons, or bringing him down with non-fatal shots to the shoulder or legs.

It was such a thrilling masterclass, I truly love the fact that I am able to keep the ancient art of true warefare archery alive & pass it on to future generations.

If you fancy giving archery a try, we practice every Thursday evening.

Why not come along & give it a try?


Mr Russell Suthern

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